The SpentBoon of Spatula

Place Picker Philosophy and Fine Print

Several of my friends have been talking about experimental travel. Here's the basic idea:

People have a natural desire to go exploring -- to see new things and meet new people -- but at the same time we tend to insulate ourselves from new experiences. Whether in our neighborhoods or traveling abroad, we often gravitate toward places that feel familiar and experiences that feel normal or safe. When we tread the familiar courses, we miss sights, people and experiences we may have loved, had we known about them.

Experimental travel looks for fun ways to get us outside our normal boundaries of movement.

Traveling to points chosen at random is maybe the simplest way of discovering new places, which is where the Place Picker comes in. You choose a central point and a range of exploration (perhaps your house, and the distance you can ride your bike in an hour), and the Place Picker chooses a random destination for you. Voila get on your bike (or on a plane) and go see something you haven't seen before.

Yet a guiding philosophy will help

The idea is learn, to enjoy meeting new people, and to instill our daily lives with a sense of discovery. Someone who focuses only on getting to the chosen destination will miss the point.

If you get a flat tire on the way to your destination, and you never get there, but you meet someone who stops to help you -- Success!

If you get to your destination, snap a quick pic to prove you did it, and head back to the car, you have gained little.

Your chosen destination should not be seen as permission to tresspass, or to make an ass of yourself. If you hurt yourself climbing over a fence, we will smirk at you.

On the other hand, if you knock on a door, kindly introduce yourself, and explain what you are doing, you may get to your destination and make a friend.

Enjoy yourselves, and let us know where you end up!

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